
Now we can build out the single libqt5.so (using ARM toolchain) by:
        "OPTS += -static"  to create the static qt libs
        "ar -x libQtXX.a" to extract the .o files
        "armlink --fpic --shared *.o -o libqt5.so" to generate final single so

But the "readelf -s libqt5.so | grep UND":

     4: 00000000     0 OBJECT  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND _ZTI12QFocusHelper
     5: 00000000     0 OBJECT  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND _ZTI17QAbstractUndoItem
     6: 00000000     0 OBJECT  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND _ZTI19QStaticTextUserData
     7: 00000000     0 OBJECT  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND _ZTI22QItemEditorCreatorB
     8: 00000000     0 OBJECT  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND _ZTI26QAbstractDynamicMet
     9: 00000000     0 OBJECT  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND _ZTI28QNetworkConfigurati

Does anyone know what is this mangled symbol "_ZTIXX" in C++ ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Lan Peng-Peter (Nokia-MP/Beijing) 
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 9:42 AM
To: Storm-Olsen Marius (Nokia-MP/Austin); Liu Song.7 (Nokia-MP/Beijing); 
development@qt-project.org; thiago.macie...@intel.com
Subject: RE: [Development] Use static qt libraries
Importance: High

I would like to explain the background of this approach.

We are now porting Qt5 (selected modules) on a low profile device 
(ARM11@300MHz). All shared objects can XIP - so there is no need to load libs 
from ROM to RAM. But a major problem is the loading time of an application 
(qtbase examples) - it cost ~10-20 seconds to resolve the dependencies among 
the qt libraries. We believe if we can make a merged shared object, the 
performance would be greatly improved. By the way, the OS is a proprietary 

Lan Peng

-----Original Message-----
From: development-bounces+peng-peter.lan=nokia....@qt-project.org 
[mailto:development-bounces+peng-peter.lan=nokia....@qt-project.org] On Behalf 
Of Storm-Olsen Marius (Nokia-MP/Austin)
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 9:11 AM
To: Liu Song.7 (Nokia-MP/Beijing); development@qt-project.org; 
Subject: Re: [Development] 回复: Re: Use static qt libraries

I have my doubts about how much you'll really gain from that.

This would only give you a large benefit if most applications requires all the 
libs you bundle together, and that you significantly reduce the total amount of 
symbols exported by the final shared library. I guess worth a quick try, but I 
wouldn't spend too much time on it. Most OSes will have pretty good caching of 
these libs anyways, and time is probably better spent optimizing the 
initialization of the applications rather than focusing on the time it takes to 
resolve library symbols.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: development-bounces+marius.storm-olsen=nokia.com@qt-
> project.org [mailto:development-bounces+marius.storm-
> olsen=nokia....@qt-project.org] On Behalf Of Liu Song.7 (Nokia-
> MP/Beijing)
> Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 6:06 PM
> To: development@qt-project.org; thiago.macie...@intel.com
> Subject: [Development] 回复: Re: Use static qt libraries
> To reduce the loading time.
> -----原信息-----
> 发件人: ext Thiago Macieira
> 发送:  2012/07/24, 02:09
> 收件人: development@qt-project.org
> 主题: Re: [Development] Use static qt libraries
> On segunda-feira, 23 de julho de 2012 14.39.16, song.7....@nokia.com wrote:
> > OK, based on my current understanding, do you mean that:
> > I still need to build all of the current qt modules as static objects, which
> > can be done by OPTS += -static or by other way ?
> No.
> What you need to do is figure out what you want to do in the first place.
> What
> is your objective? What are you trying to accomplish? And why is the current
> solution not enough?
> Don't tell us how you planned on implementing it. Forget libqt5.so.
> --
> Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
>   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
>      Intel Sweden AB - Registration Number: 556189-6027
>      Knarrarnäsgatan 15, 164 40 Kista, Stockholm, Sweden
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