
I'm currently going through qt5.git, looking at all the modules. I would like 
to see whether all modules currently in there should be or need to be part of 
this set. Currently I can see two problems there. 

The first one is the fact that we have a few modules in there that are 
basically unmaintained for a year and not really functional anywhere. The 
document gallery is such an example and is the first one I would like to remove 
(see https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,32215).
I'll continue to go through all modules in the next couple of days and probably 
propose a few other removals that we then can discuss here.

The other problem is a more general issue that is has become difficult to get 
qt5.git moved forward and updated to newer tags. I wonder whether it wouldn't 
be easier to have a list of modules that contains less add-ons (ie. focuses 
more on the essentials plus some selected additions), but then maybe adds in 
qt-creator. IMO this could in the longer term be more useful for SDK creation 
and releasing. Add-on modules that are not part of this new qt5.git, could then 
always get tested against the latest qt5.git instead of the latest master 
branches of all modules.


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