On 08/08/2012 04:12, ext André Somers wrote:
> Op 8-8-2012 10:49, Stephen Kelly schreef:
>> On Wednesday, August 08, 2012 10:35:15 André Somers wrote:
>> > Op 8-8-2012 10:30, Stephen Kelly schreef:
>> > > On Wednesday, August 08, 2012 12:03:34 ????????? ??????? wrote:
>> > > > In the QIcon/QIconLoader there are 2 old bugs with patches.
>> > > > - https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-17953
>> > > > - https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-12874
>> > > > Fixes are trivial, and are available for many years. Merging of them
>> > > > will take only an hour.
>> > > You need to submit patches to Qt through gerrit. Patches attached in
>> > > JIRA can't be applied. Note also that patches have to be applied to Qt
>> > > 5 first and unit tested.
>> >
>> > Nice, but these patches were submitted way before Gerrit was available.
>> > Are you saying we should just disgard any fixes that can be found in
>> JIRA?
>> They are not covered by the CLA.
> Are you sure about that?

Yes, Stephen is correct, the CLA covers only patches which has been 
submitted through Codereview.qt-project.org, so patches in 
Jira/Wiki/email cannot be applied.

Even if the author "gives" you copyright to submit it to codereview as 
yourself (which is not allowed in many countries), _you_ would then be 
personally responsible for granting the license to use any patents 
his/her code might be infringing on. So, *don't* do that. Only submit 
code you have written yourself and where you can stand by the 

>> Whether they are 'trivial' enough to 'not be copyrightable' isn't
>> for me to decide. I didn't look at them.
>> Even when gerrit was not available, gitorious was available for all
>>  the time that JIRA was available. JIRA has never been 'the way to
>>  submit patches'.
> One of these had a MR on gitorious, actually. That got closed some
> time later because Gerrit got introduced in the meantime. So, I bet
> the contributor signed the agreement. I guess the submitter did not
> want to jump through the hoops again, in the hope that this time his
> patch *would* get accepted.

A codereview can be done without using Gerrit of course, through email, 
IRC or any other means which reaches the author. However, the CLA has 
changed in several points since the Gitorious MR days (to the better, 
after discussions with multiple parties active on codereview today). 
This means that the old patches which were stuck or hadn't passed 
through the Gitorious MR system before we switched will need to be 
submitted again under the new terms.

Frankly, the hurdle for doing so is not big, and if you have agreed to 
the terms before, I'm sure the new term as just as good as the previous 

To reiterate what Stephen said, please submit patches through 
http://codereview.qt-project.org, it's the only way we can properly 
apply them.

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