On Aug 8, 2012, at 2:35 PM, ext Konstantin Ritt <ritt...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>> Yes. We don't want to continue or begin to carry our own Unicode data, CLDR
>>> and timezone database. ICU provides all of that.
> So, does this mean I should abandon my QUnicode* and QText* changes/branches?

Depends on what they do. I e.g. do not see a lot of value in us maintaining our 
own copy of the CLDR data. For basic Unicode data that we need to render text, 
it might however make sense to keep a copy if this makes a big enough 
difference in performance.

Let's just go through things and decide together where to best use ICU and 
where it makes sense to do our own stuff. But I'd like to see a decent 
justification for the places we want to keep our own data and/or implementation.


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