On 8/30/12 6:16 PM, "ext Thiago Macieira" <thiago.macie...@intel.com>
>On quinta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2012 17.25.24, Pau Garcia i Quiles wrote:
>> There are more differences than that. There are differences in
>> features, such as threading support, large-file support, etc.
>> Mingw-w64 is usually ahead of any other in terms of features.
>My suggestion on how to proceed is to choose one that offers the
>following or 
>most of the following:
> - most recent GCC (4.7 preferably, 4.6 if not)
> - *working* GDB and tested with Creator, with Python support
> - large file support, threading
> - zero-overhead exceptions (no SJLJ exceptions)
> - standard win32 headers, if possible using the Platform SDK headers
> - large set of win32 import libraries
> - 32 and 64-bit in one package
> - make with -j support
> - if this exists: can link to .dll directly, instead of import libs
>We should choose one version to be the reference platform and work on
>it Tier 1. We shouldn't have two versions, that duplicates work.

Very ambitious! :)

Linking directly with DLLs is only possible for MinGW if the DLLs were
created by MinGW, for all other DLLs you need to create an import library
(.lib) with the 'dlltool' provided with any MinGW installation (perhaps as
mingw32-dlltool or similar). Always using Import Libraries ensures that
the link process is always the same, no matter if the libraries are static
or dynamic. If you want to link directly with DLLs you would also need
changes in qmake, most likely, which I think you'd want to avoid.

Most of the GNU makes released *do* support -j, but they often need sh.exe
in the PATH to enable the functionality for some reason.

To satisfy all the requirements above, we might need to compile MinGW
ourselves. While not impossible, I suggest we actively participate with
the MinGW community instead to make sure that this is what is released
naturally from its community.


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