On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 4:41 AM, Rene Jensen <r...@catatonic.dk> wrote:
> You got my attention enough that I wanted to look into it (although I'm
> totally *not* worthy of even attempting to fix stuff in Qt, nor do I have
> the time for it). I am pretty close to the scenario above. Fresh Win7, just
> installed the driver for my Intuos4 half an hour ago, fired up QtC 2.5.2
> (revision  f25dadf80e) as well as QtC 2.4.1 (revision 8cd370e163). Made a
> QtQuick UI project for Qt 4.8.1 MSVC desktop.
> Alt-tabbing like crazy yielded no crash, neither for QtC 2.4.1 nor 2.5.2.
> That was the excepted outcome, right?
> Can you help me getting there, perhaps? I've played with the pen while
> fooling around in QtC too.

Well you found some serious bugs, but not mine. Let's hunt it :-)

It's *not* the Alt-Tab stuff (switch windows) It's the
CodeView<->DesignerView switching into QtC what causes trouble. Also,
I created an empty project for MinGW, not Visual C, but I guess that's

Create a HelloWorld Qt Quick UI, switch from CODE to DESIGN, try to
design (or not) and eventually you'll get empty designer views, like
you had a 0x0 main item, the toolbars are still there, it will take
longer and longer (even several minutes) to render the designer view,
and you'll have a small chance to get crashes. The more you switch
back and forth, and do work, the more severe it gets but becomes
unusable pretty fast. I'll try to record my desktop tomorrow.

Anyway, I understand there is no Wacom support into Qt5, if there's a
QtC build with Qt5 i can test, i'll report my findings.

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