On 10/17/12 17:27, Wehmer, Matthias wrote:
> I'm currently trying to organize my project with qmake. The compiling itself 
> works pretty smooth so far, but somehow I have problems with "make install".
> To be more concrete: I have organized everything with the subdirs template 
> and in one directory on a lower level I'm using a .pro file, also using the 
> subdirs template, which should move some files via INSTALLS. This does not 
> work when I call the qmake on the top level. Funnily it works fine though, 
> when calling qmake && nmake install on the level of the problematic .pro 
> file. I used google and got some results that tell something about problems 
> with the subdirs template and INSTALLS. But I didn't find a solution. Do you 
> know of this problem and what is going wrong? Have you any suggestions?

You should provide a link to (a paste of) the actual project (or, even 
better, the most reduced version of it that still exhibits the problem). 
Otherwise people can only guess what's going wrong.


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