On quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012 18.05.31, Ziller Eike wrote:
> I'd throw Mac out of sentences that have Linux in them in this discussion:
> There are no "Mac" distributions/distributors that package Qt

There's MacPorts.

> On Mac, Qt will either be self-compiled (you are on your own which is fine),
> or installed through our binary installers - which will install different
> Qt versions (version + tool chain specific) into different directories
> (http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt5_beta2_component_tree) so there is no
> conflict either. Same situation like on Windows, except that Windows has
> the environment set up thingies.

That's the SDK hierarchy. The Libraries Only install does a global install 
with frameworks, but frameworks suffers from not being renameable.

> Developers who distribute their Qt application on Windows and Mac usually
> ship a private Qt copy with their application --> no conflict. But even if
> they install Qt systemwide, we are using frameworks on Mac which
> automatically do versioning for major versions if done right, and we are
> adding the major version to dlls on Windows already.


What I haven't understood yet is how you select a different version besides 
"Current" in Mac frameworks.

> The only thing that would be solved is how Linux distributors can install
> multiple (major) versions of Qt simultaneously.


Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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