On Fri, Nov 09, 2012 at 02:11:45PM +0100, Walter Horsten wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I have QT5 Beta1 apps running on android, installable via an apk, launchable 
> from the app screen and properly interacting with the OS. I don't know to 
> what extent it is complementary to Necessitas (which I read is going to be 
> integrated in Qt5 as well), but if it is I'm willing to contribute this work 
> to QT5.
> Visit this link for a short demonstration: 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTpGEDUJmcY
> I have patches, a short document on the design, a few sample apps (the ones 
> shown in the video) and a buildscript prepared.
> Let me know if anyone is interested in this work.

Yes that sounds very interesting.  We figured that the Java parts of Necessitas 
would need
to be reused, among other things; but you started over from scratch?  Also we 
have done
experiments with building Qt 5 against the Android source tree.  I tried that 
once (based
on others' work to interface to the SurfaceFlinger).  I was not able to build 
with just 
the NDK, because Qt needs various libraries and headers (ICU, but also others) 
that are 
not part of the "public API" which the NDK provides.  So the build which I did 
that way 
is not necessarily portable between Android versions.  Which way did you do it?

Did you use NativeActivity?  Did you have to write any Java for that?  If not, 
did you figure
out how to get all the necessary events?  I was looking at the NDK OpenGL 
examples, and that 
part was not clear to me yet.

Did you do anything with widgets, or only QML?  I think we also need to have a 
widget style, but Necessitas also appears to be incomplete in this regard.  It 
does do 
some things, such as making QMenuBar/QMenu work with the built-in menu button.

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