
i'm student at FIIT STU <http://www.fiit.stuba.sk/en.html?page_id=749> and
my team is working on qt based server application.
I realy like idea to make application extendable via JavaScript modules and
probably implement some trivial core functionality in it too.
Our plan is to switch project to qt5 and use QJSEngine  (not qml because
it's service, not GUI).
I was asked to anlyze debug options for it and i have found this discusion

> QJS has no debugging API or tools. V8 provides a public debugging API,
> but we'd have to be very careful if QJS were to wrap that (again, to
> avoid leaking back-end details).
I wonder if it's possible to get v8 handle from QJSEngine instance and
enable debuging using v8 api.
Goal is to provide debuging with greakpoints and steps using Eclipse plugin
or something like
node-inspector<https://github.com/dannycoates/node-inspector> in

Could someone pleas tell me if it's this possbile? Thanks.

Best regards,
Michal Dorner
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