Op 26-11-2012 12:12, Verma Gurudutt schreef:


I am really happy to inform you all that new mailing list web_AT_qt-project.org is created now.

We will be discussing open governance model of web development related stuffs for qt-project.org here and proposal for this was made few days ago on this mailing list.

Subscription to this mailing list have to be approved by list admin/moderator (Yurvin knuth is only moderator for now) and archive to this list is set to private.

You are welcome to join this mailing list if you wish to join our web development related activity for qt-project.org.

Looking forwards for exited result from this list J

Following a meeting of interested people tonight on IRC (and for trial on Skype and Hangout), the list will be made public.


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