Now that we have 5.0 finally out, I thought I'll give a short update about the 
plans for 5.0.1 and 5.1.

The current idea is to do a 5.0.1 release pretty soon. We already have quite a 
few fixes in stable that aren't in the release, and we'll be busy fixing more 
bugs over the next weeks. So my goal would be to target for the second half of 
January for a 5.0.1 release.

As we said for a long time we would like to go over to a time based release 
model for minor releases. But having them always directly before the summer 
break and directly before christmas is far from ideal. So I'd like to shorten 
the 5.1 schedule in such a way that we can release 5.1 by the end of April, 
latest beginning of May. This will require a feature freeze for 5.1 by end of 

Feature wise this is not a problem, as I believe the main feature of 5.1 will 
be bug fixes, stability and adding some more modules such as Qt 3D and Qt 
Sensors back into the default distribution.

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