On Thursday, January 03, 2013 09:05:11 BogDan wrote:
> Hi,
> These binaries are built from Android source code, so they are using Apache
> license. We need them only to link android platform plugin for API 4,5, and
> 8. They are not embedded into any Qt binaries, we are only using their
> symbols to link !

You seem to have missed a very important point: 

Everyone using the qtbase clone has to download those 30mb of binaries, 
whether they are working on Android or not.

Receiving objects: 100% (1041/1041), 31.80 MiB

You didn't respond to what Thiago said that they should be in a completely 
separate repo, not qtbase. I support Thiagos suggestion.

Further, I suggest that the official qtbase.git that everyone works on should 
only have release branches. All wip-work should go into a separate clone.

Your commit seems to have gone in without going through gerrit. I don't know 
why or how.


Stephen Kelly <stephen.ke...@kdab.com> | Software Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH & Co.KG, a KDAB Group Company
www.kdab.com || Germany +49-30-521325470 || Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-Independent Software Solutions

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