I think that mailing lists work best if they are either very specific or 

Development@ is our catch-all. Mobile-development is also a catch-many and 
mobile is becoming increasingly blurry. Android-port is very specific.

Topics regarding QT on mobile devices go well into development, such as how do 
we address the new life-cycle model of processes in operating systems like iOS, 
Android or Windows 8.Topics specific to android api level 9, that other bug in 
bionic or why surfaceflinger sometimes triple-buffers belong into a specific 
mailing list.

It is the responsibility of us as contributors to maintain a discipline in 
picking the right lists for emails and to maintain a productive signal/noise 


Laszlo Papp <lp...@kde.org> wrote:

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Paul Olav Tvete 
<paul.tv...@digia.com<mailto:paul.tv...@digia.com>> wrote:
I'll try once more: We have identified the need for a dedicated channel of
communication for a new project with a rather tight deadline. We would like
that channel to be publicly visible so that that others can follow what we do.

To be honest I am reluctant to this mentality of not caring about others like 
me who do not wish to subscribe to many mailing lists.

Do I care about mobile platforms? Yes.
Do I wish to maintain many bubbles separately? No.

I do not even try to figure out why you would need to read all the emails on 
the development@ mailing list, and not just the Android subjects, especially if 
it is expected in a short time frame. I would even find that suboptimal, but 
that is why I wrote the 4) alternative which is a compromissum for both 
parties... What is wrong about that? Do you really *have* to be totally 
separate from the rest which will end up even in a closed list?

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