On 10 January 2013 20:48, Ruslan Nigmatullin <euroeles...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> Qt misses some core features connected with TLS/hashing:
> 1. it's impossible to create "unencrypted" connection to server and 
> initialize TLS encyption sometime afterwards (common usecase: connection to 
> jabber server).

That's incorrect, you can do that (though personally I regard
protocols that do this as broken).

> 2. HMAC is unsupported, so it's usually impossible to use OAuth with 
> hmac-authorization (like "hmac(sha256)")

Adding support for HMAC to QCryptographicHash would be pretty trivial.
I don't see any reason why such a change would not be accepted.

> That's why Qt supports nothing from my needs.
> Another one issue - Qt is sometimes shipped to some platforms with 
> statically-linked OpenSSL, which makes nearly-to-impossible to use external 
> libraries with OpenSSL as dependancy.

I'm not aware of any platforms where we ship with a statically linked
openssl. We dlopen it in the normal case, and link to it as normal
with -openssl-linked.



> 11.01.2013, 00:35, "Richard Moore" <r...@kde.org>:
>> On 10 January 2013 17:03, Ruslan Nigmatullin <euroeles...@yandex.ru> wrote:
>>>  Hi all,
>>>  With Qt5 there are no Qt-based cryptographic interfaces now. There was an 
>>> QCA for Qt3/Qt4, but it had over-engineered interface and a lot of bugs. So 
>>> I would like to start Crypto module for Qt5 with convience crypto-methods 
>>> (Qt-based wrappers for TLS/SSL encryption, SASL, AES/etc encryption, 
>>> SHA/HMAC hashing, etc) and nice Qt-style API. It's proposed to use 
>>> appropriate libraries like OpenSSL/cyrus-sasl/gnugp/etc.
>> Qt already has support for TLS/SSL in qtnetwork, and I've already
>> written https://gitorious.org/qt-certificate-addon/ to cover key and
>> certificate generation (supports qt 4.x and qt5). SHA etc. are covered
>> by QCryptographicHash
>> (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qcryptographichash.html) out
>> of your list that really just leaves SASL and actual crypto algorithms
>> like AES.
>> I don't see any reason why those couldn't be supported by another two
>> Qt addons, one for AES and one for SASL, though I'm unsure how much
>> demand there is.
>> Cheers
>> Rich.
> --
> Ruslan Nigmatullin
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