As I was investigating a different problem I came across a bigger issue 
regarding ICU on Windows.  The problem is that when ICU is linked against on 
Windows it links against the same copy of the library even if it is building 
for release which causes a problem with C runtime libraries on Windows if you 
use MSVC.

For those who are not aware of the issue here whenever you link an application 
or library on Windows with MSVC then it will use a setting for the C runtime 
libraries, Qt defaults to using the release version for release builds (-MD) 
and the debug version for debug builds (-MDd).  And provided the same one is 
used for all the libraries linked against and the application then everything 
is fine.  However if they were to be mixed then it opens up the potential for 
memory corruption to occur as it ends up with two memory heaps in use by the 

Unfortunately this is what is happening now if ICU is linked in, ICU will 
always use the release version so if Qt is built in debug mode then it will end 
up mixing the C runtime libraries.

Since ICU doesn't provide the debug version of the libraries in their binary 
packages then this means that either the user has to build them themselves 
(which means modifying the target as well since the output for debug and 
release defaults to be the same in their project files) or we should consider 
adding them to the 3rdparty section (like we do for libegl and so on) so we can 
control the situation better.

Either way I feel that this needs to be fixed ASAP because we could end up 
seeing bug reports that are in effect caused by this and end up creating more 
noise as a result.   A short term option (and potentially permanent) would be 
to link against a different version of the ICU libraries and point out that if 
they want to use Qt in debug they would need to build ICU themselves and make 
the relevant modifications to the output library names.

Andy Shaw
Head of Support,
Digia, Qt
Development mailing list

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