On 01/14/2013 01:51 PM, a.gra...@gmail.com wrote:
>> There is a pre-configured upload step in the plugin, which uses SFTP.
>> See the deployment part of your project for the details. This currently
>> works only for qmake-based projects. The files to deploy are specified
>> via the .pro file's INSTALLS variable.
> can I also specify the destination in my .pro?

Yes, via the "target.path" variable.

> I explain my problem. The default behaviour is to deploy
> "MyTestProject" in "/opt/MyTestProject/" on the remote device.

No, there is no default path, at least not in the source code. If your 
project is deployed to "/opt", then that's set in the project file. 
Presumably you used Creator's "Qt Quick app" wizard, which writes such a 
project file,

> I "fixed" the problem just giving chmod 777 to the /opt but this is
> just a workaround. I could deploy my app to the /home/user folder or
> just give "user" RW permissions for /opt
> Which method do you think it would be better?

Whatever fits your use case. Using the /home directory seems much less 

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