Hi All,

       Any idea on how to proceed to remove this assertion mentioned  below.
Please provide any inputs/suggestions.

Thanks and Regards,

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 6:02 PM, Amogh Kudari <amogh.kuda...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi All,
>               I am testing my Qt built libraries with a simple test
> application, which basically creates a window with a button.
> Its as shown
> /****************ButtonApp.c*********************/
> #include <QtGui>
> extern "C" void WebKitTestApp(void *pdata)
> {
>     int argv=1;
>     char *args[]={"WebKitTestApp_button.exe"};
>     QApplication app(argv, args);
>     QTextEdit textEdit;
>     QPushButton quitButton("Quit");
>     QObject::connect(&quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
>     QVBoxLayout layout;
>     layout.addWidget(&textEdit);
>     layout.addWidget(&quitButton);
>     QWidget window;
>     window.setLayout(&layout);
>     window.show();
>     app.exec();
>     return;
> }
> /******Test Application**********/
> /**************TestButtonApp.c****************/
> #include <stdio.h>
> extern "C" void WebKitTestApp(void *pdata);
> int main(int argc, char** argv)
> {
>     printf("In main\n");
>     if(argc ==1)
>         printf("argc[%d] argv[%s]\n",argc,(char *)*argv);
>     WebKitTestApp((void*)argv);
> }
> I am creating a library of ButtonApp.c called as ButtonApp.lib on *Windows
> *using *cl compiler *and then linking with *Qt-4.8.4* libs to create
> TestButtonApp.exe executable.
> But on executing the exe file It pops up saying
> "Debug Error!
> Program:
> workspace\TestButtonApp.exe
> Module : 4.8.4
> File: global\qglobal.cpp
> Line : 2303
> ASSERT : "QCoreApplicationPrivate::eventDispatcher != 0" in file
> kernel\qcoreapplication.cpp , line :765
> (Press Retry to Debug the application) "
> I am unable to figure out why am I getting this error.
> Should I create any event Dispatcher in my ButtonApplication or is there
> any other way to get around this problem.
> Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated...
> Thanks in advance....
> Amogh.
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