On Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 06:57:01AM +0200, Thomas Sondergaard wrote:
> On 2013-10-01 21:20, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> > Since we decided to roll back support for exceptions in our container
> > classes, the only thing that currently needs exception support is the
> > mainloop allowing std::bad_alloc through.
> >
> > Is it worth it?
> >
> > Should we disable exceptions in QtCore?
> >
> As an outside voice, I'd like to point out that the rest of the world is
> using exceptions and removing whatever exception support there is in
> QtCore seems like a step in the wrong direction.

Depends on what you define as "rest of the world".

If you mean by "rest of the world" other languages, like Java or Python,
then yes, that world is using exceptions, and they are reasonable _there_.

But if you check out what other C++ projects with Real World exposure do
you'll find that they tend to be very cautious with exceptions - unless
they simply outlaw them.

is for instance pretty concise: "We don't use C++ exceptions". They later
give detailed reasoning and a conclusion including "Our advice against
using exceptions is not predicated on philosophical or moral grounds, but
practical ones." [Side note: That's _exactly_ Qt's proposition: Being
practically useful, not dogmatic.]

says "In an effort to reduce code and executable size, LLVM does not use
RTTI (e.g. dynamic_cast<>;) or exceptions. These two language features
violate the general C++ principle of 'you only pay for what you use',
causing executable bloat even if exceptions are never used in the code
base, or if RTTI is never used for a class. Because of this, we turn them
off globally in the code."

Boost, which is not exactly notorious for "old fashioned code", says at
least on the topic of exception specifications "some compilers turn off
inlining if there is an exception-specification. Some compilers add
try/catch blocks. Such pessimizations can be a performance disaster which
makes the code unusable in practical applications" (see

Note that even the C++ Standard rolls back a part of the previous support
for exceptions in C++11 by deprecating dynamic exception specifiers which
turned out to be (surprise...) impractical, see 15.4.17/Annex D or e.g.
http://www.gotw.ca/publications/mill22.htm for historic reasoning.

Lesson learned here: "Being allowed does not necessarily make it usable".

Size overhead for "just enabling exceptions" is (of course depending on
actual model/implementation) typically cited as 5-10%, which incidentally
matches Thiago's findings for Qt Core rather well. That's a pretty high
price for a single feature in general, and especially so if it does not add
adequate value. In my book removing the need to pay for features one
doesn't use is a Good Thing more often than not.

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