André Somers wrote:
> Poenitz Andre schreef op 2-1-2014 23:49:
> > Jiergir Ogoerg wrote:
> >> Ironically, not even the IDE (QtCreator) sorts them out, in my example
> >> parse...() is the 1st in the list, and locale() is the last one (16th).
> > There's a "Sort alphabetically" check box in the context menu of
> > whatever-that-combobox-that-I-never-use-for-navigation-is-called.
> Well, that's a find! I wonder why it is not enabled by default?

Probably because the current code follows the rule of "Don't switch on 
a fancy option by default unless it's clearly better than the alternative",
and I even tend to agree that the rule applies here, and the current default 
is good. But since I don't use the combobox at all, that's not a strong 

If people who actually use the combobox agree that alphabetical order
should take precedence over the order in which the functions are defined,
the default can be changed. A patch is now on Gerrit (#74614) and awaits


> Thanks for pointing out this little hidden feature! It will certainly ease my
> navigation.
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