
I am trying to fix https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-35632 and while doing so I noticed that this use case is broken on Linux, Windows and Mac. Running the code from my last comment I get different results depending on the platform. When
it is run on Linux or Windows I get:
Event: true false false

Application: false false false

while Mac gives:
Event: false false false

Application: false false false

At least on Windows and Linux (xcb) there seems to be logic involved which removes the modifier if the key pressed was a modifier key itself (so if Qt::Key_Control is pressed Qt::ControlModifier is removed from the modifiers). This is done in qwindowskeymapper line 863ff on Windows. I could not find the place where it is done in xcb but checking the code from the bug gives the same result as on Windows. The event's modifiers are then
assigned to QGuiApplication's modifier_buttons (which is used for
QApplication::keyboardModifiers() from the bugreport), which is why that shows wrong results. QEvent::modifiers (qevent.cpp line 1026ff) readds the modifier so that this gives correct results
at least on Linux and Windows.

My question is which would be the "right way" to fix this behaviour. My initial idea was to remove the logic that removes the modifier from Windows and XCB and adapt QEvent::modifiers accordingly so that the modifiers are not removed and added in various places. Unfortunately I do not know, which behaviour/use case would be broken by that as auto test coverage seems to be not existent in that area (which I would like to change as well, but...). Another option would be to add the logic that readds the modifier (the one from QEvent::modifers) to QGuiApplicationPrivate, but that would be another place that "plays around with the modifiers". Also this logic would have to be put in use in several places there
(processKeyEvent, processMouseEvent, processTabletEvent, etc).

Does anyone have an idea, why modifiers are removed/added in various places and which use case might be broken when I touch something there? Thiscode seems to be fragile, as changes seem to cause regressions as we have seen over the last few patches to the windows implementation. Any preferred way of fixing this?

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