On 10 Feb 2014, at 08:58, Konrad Rosenbaum <kon...@silmor.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'll have to read and analyze this code in more detail to give you a 
> qualified 
> opinion. I'll do this later...
> On the surface it looks a bit complicated and I'm not entirely sure about the 
> seeding, but I'll have to study the API first to make sure.
> On Sunday, Sunday 09 February 2014 at 22:40, Kurt Pattyn wrote:
>> If the above implementation suffices, then a virtual method would not be
>> needed anymore.
> Please use the virtual method anyway. Yes, it adds about two more 
> instructions 
> and a memory access for every call to this method, but security-wise it is 
> worth it.
Well, this is what I propose: use a delegate class that handles the creation of
a random 32-bit number. This would avoid having to subclass QWebSocket
just to overwrite the randomiser.

class QWebSocket
    void setRNG(const QRng &rng);

When setRNG is not called before opening the socket, a default implementation
will be used, based on std::random_device and std::mt19937.
This avoids a virtual method AND gives complete control over the RNG to the
user of the class.

class QRng
    virtual quint32 nextNumber() const;

A user that wants some very specific randomiser functionality, can subclass
QRng and override the nextNumber() method.

What do you think? I will work out a proposal.
Thiago do you think QRng would be a good name? I can imagine that sooner or
later Qt will provide a generic (P)RNG implementation, and then QRng could be
a good candidate for one or the other class name.

> You can never assume code to be absolutely secure, just secure enough for a 
> particular purpose that you can envision under the constraints of the 
> knowledge you currently possess. Providing an overridable virtual method 
> gives 
> users with stronger requirements (or with more paranoid bosses) sufficient 
> freedom to implement those requirements.
> Incidentally it gives you an excuse to cop out of security discussions... ;-)
THAT is what I call an argument! J
>> Should I fall back to the ordinary qrand() when the other methods fail?
> Yes.

>       Konrad

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