
We are about to start the "Qt 5.3.0" release as agreed in [1], which means that:

- We plan to do a fast-forward merge from 'stable' into 'release' branch
on April 10th.

- After April 10th any changes that are required for 5.3.0 needs to be
pushed to the 'release' branch. So if your changes are not in by that
day, please wait until the merge is done and re-target them to the
'release' branch.

The repositories that will be part of the Qt 5.3.0 release merge are:

- qt5
- qtactiveqt
- qtandroidextras
- qtbase
- qtconnectivity
- qtdeclarative
- qtdoc
- qtenginio
- qtgraphicaleffects
- qtimageformats
- qtlocation
- qtmacextras
- qtmultimedia
- qtquick1
- qtquickcontrols
- qtscript
- qtsensors
- qtserialport
- qtsvg
- qttools
- qttranslations
- qtwebkit
- qtwebkit-examples
- qtwebsockets
- qtwinextras
- qtxmlpatterns
- qtx11extras

[1] http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/releasing/2014-March/001710.html


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