> <snip, use QVariant Maps to transfer property data between C++ and QML>

> >>> While your proposed approach is rather clean, it carries one drawback,
> >>> which is the lack of type information, with all its consequences.

<snip, need to convert domain-types to/from strings/doubles/QVariant on QML
side and C++ side>

*- Can data-clean/input-validate on either C++ or QML side, can add more
custom validators in different places
*- ?More fine-grain control at data-input/UI separate from back-end

*- Rules for validation now separate from domain-specific type
*- Property misspell no longer compile-caught, instead run-caught (if
validated input)
*- Must invest in this "adapter-layer" that may ultimately be merely a
"pass-through", can be expensive to implement for big systems (many types),
or to value-copy/transform state for some rich types

>> Also once you grab your data back from the QVariantMap in C++ in the
> controller you must use an accessor like .toString() etc to cast the
> QVariant to a known type, and that brings back your type checking on the
> C++ side.

For us, these are often "lossy" and very "stale" operations (converting
to/from string, double, etc. from our internal types. Dealing with hardware
and constantly changing values, it would be nice to reference the
"real-item" directly rather than establish an adapter layer that is (by
definition) lossy-and-stale for our use.


> > A other problem i can see is the Code-Completion which you can't get for
> > QVariantMap because it's a variable type which can store anything in any
> > format. I think for Projects where the QML Developers know the C++
> > Developers this works, but in larger Projects like having a API for
> > 3rdParties i think QVariantMaps doesn't work and we need to invest some
> > time to make a proper solution.

Agree that QVariantMap drops type information.  Agree that loss of type
information can be an increasingly important issue in larger systems with
more domain types (because those types established rules/behaviors in the
system, and that's more important in large systems).

> Definitely, I’m not arguing against a better way / ‘proper solution’.  By
> all means lets work on that please.  I was only addressing the concern that
> you can’t use QML at all when working with large numbers of non QObject
> derived domain specific data objects.  In that respect I’d say we’re quite
> better of, at least in our project, for using QtQuick/QML over widgets.

I think there are two topics here:

(1) Deep/rich/many domain-specific C++ types (or their state/properties)
need to somehow be made "available" to QML through a reasonable mechanism
that scales for large C++ systems.  QVariantMap is one suggestion that
works for some systems.  IMHO, the loss of type-information is a
deal-breaker for large systems (see below), although I concede that some
people have a back-end to front-end transform, API collapse, or system
workflow where this would work.

(2) QtQuick/QML is preferred over widgets.  We agree; I realize some people
aren't sure, or currently disagree for a couple reasons.

IMHO using "QVariantMap" is really good when there is a strong API
"collapse" or "transform" from the very-deep-back-end-system and the
"relatively-flat" set of properties that should be exposed to the UI/QML.
 However, some systems are "rich", and this "deep-nested-type-state" is
important (even through to the interface).  It becomes important to
*maintain* that "nesting", and in that case, producing the
nested-QVariantMap may be expensive (and it might be big), and might be
especially difficult to describe in a granular form that supports
transactions at different levels of interface update.

Further, for our types, we have MANY "derived-properties".  From one (or a
very small number) of "data-members", we may have MANY "properties" that
are "available", but these are computed-on-the-fly.  I don't want to
produce those to populate a QVariantMap if they are not really needed.
 Some hardware-reads are really expensive.

Others have touched on these, but to summarize:

(a) creation of a "QVariantMap" (or similar value-semantics) approaches are
investing in an "adapter layer" (I'd prefer to not write a bunch of
"toQVariant()/fromQVariant()" in my zillions of C++ classes, and it's hard
to guess the level-of-granularity to support transaction-updates at varying
levels of interface update.)

(b) the "values" populated in a "QVariantMap" are immediately "stale" and
"lossy" in our system (we drive hardware and embedded systems, or systems
with lots of dynamic updates and would prefer to reference the,

(c) many of our "property-values" are functionally/dynamically computed,
and should not be computed unless explicitly "needed".  (An example is a
class with one data member, which *is* a property, but also provides four
other "properties" that may be computed from that one data-member; all
"five-properties" should not be populated into the QVariantMap unless they
are really needed.)

In contrast, I could live with something in QML like a
"QmlSmartPtr<MyCppType>" that might own-or-reference the "MyCppType"
instance, if I can describe for QML the five "QML-properties" that are
available from that one "MyCppType" instance.  I need the *real* C++
function (property get/set) to be available in QML.


(1)  Kudos to Roland for properly entitling this thread for, "QML Value

(2) IMHO, QML is the way-to-go

(3) This "value-type" is a topic-for-discussion (which should probably be
followed by one or two "recommended-best-practice(s)")

(4) Supporting "user-defined-C++-values" seems like an important thing for
large/legacy C++ code bases.

(5) QVariantMap is a reasonable solution for some systems, but not for my

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