Em seg 28 abr 2014, às 08:33:23, Peter Kümmel escreveu:
> >> ATM the problem is to get started because I don't know much about the
> >> current architecture of the graphic stack.
> >> Any hints where to start for a first hello world?
> > 
> > Maybe a translation from QML to a .ui file could be a first step? That
> > could work if you use QtWidgets in the QML file.
> I think we should start on top of the C/C++ part of current QMLv2 stack (if
> such a thing exists), with some handwritten widget code. Otherwise we have
> a QPainter based system which we already have with QWidgets.

Forget about QPainter.

Your first step, it seems to me, would be to add the necessary C++ public API 
to QtQml so you can instantiate new items in the QML graph, then manipulate 
their properties and bindings, as well as set new JavaScript code and 
expressions. This simply replaces the QML parser, keeping all the benefits (and 
problems) of the QML language. In particular, it does not extricate the JS 
interpreter and engine.

If you want to extricate the JS engine, you probably need to move the Scene 
Graph classes out of QtQuick and into a module that depends only on QtGui, 
bypassing the QtQml dependency. You'll need a way to insert generic items into 
the graph. But, at this point, I question: why don't you just use an existing 
OpenGL scene graph, like Ogle3D?

Once you've got the base API, you can start thinking of writing widgets again, 
the platform look and feel. If the QtQml dependency was maintained, it might 
be possible to reuse the code from Qt Quick Components. If not, you'll 
probably need to start from scratch.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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