Milian Wolff schreef op 17-9-2014 12:38:
> On Tuesday 16 September 2014 12:11:26 Knoll Lars wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I’m happy to tell you that we’re making significant progress towards the
>> new unified web page that I’ve first been talking about at the contributor
>> summit. We just launched the first stage of it on For now
>> is going to redirect to it. I hope you will like the new web
>> page. Please have a look and give us your feedback.
>> In addition, we also now have a new company name for the Qt part of Digia.
>> It’s simply ‘The Qt Company’.
>> For more details check out my blog at
>> d-website-and-20e25-monthly-indie-mobile-package/ and of course
> Hey Lars,
> I have a question/request/remark: Currently, on, it
> says that the "community" license of Qt does not give users the "full rights
> to modify source codes". What you probably mean by that, is that while the
> FOSS licenses allow you to modify it, you are also required to contribute
> back. Anyhow, I think this wording is highly confusing and *at least* a popup
> with explanatory text should added. Or better yet, also add the green tickmark
> and mention that the contributions must be upstreamed.
> We all want contributions by FOSS users of Qt after all, no?
> Bye
That's also nonsense. The changes must be made public to those you have 
given a license to use your software, but that is not the same as having 
to upstream your changes back into the project directly. Sure, that 
would be the ideal model, but it is not always possible and, more to the 
point, is not what the license says.


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