On 10/17/2014 08:48 AM, Kurt Pattyn wrote:
> As we are developing for aerospace, avionics, defence and healthcare, we are 
> confronted on a daily basis with a lot of very stringent rules that we have 
> to comply with (irrespective if some people might find these rules outdated, 
> stupid, ridiculous or not). That's why we always compile with as much 
> compiler warnings as possible. Our code must be audited by an external office 
> anyways, so we better make sure we can avoid a bad report as soon as possible.
> Some examples of 'stupid' rules (which after second consideration aren't that 
> stupid after all):
> - a switch statement must always have a default statement (also all cases 
> must be handled)

Doesn't this actually make the code *worse* when using enums? Adding a 
default statement when you handle all possible values will inhibit 
genuine compiler warnings when you forget to add a case for a newly 
added enum value. In fact, this is almost guaranteed to happen in a 
non-trivial project, so this rule seems almost absurdly wrong to me.


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