> On 24 Dec 2014, at 14:48, Александр Волков <a.vol...@rusbitech.ru> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Currently three major platform plugins (xcb, windows and cocoa) by default 
> behave
> absolutely different when they receive synthesized mouse events from the 
> system:

> 3) cocoa plugin doesn't distinguish them from real mouse events (fix me if 
> I`m wrong).

This is correct; historically touchpad mouse events have been treated as “real” 
mouse events.

In fact, single-point touch events are not forwarded to Qt, unless
1) the event receiver is a QWidget
2) that QWidget has WA_TouchPadAcceptSingleTouchEvents set.

Setting Qt::MouseEventSynthesizedBySystem sounds like something we should do 
provided that information is available on the native event.

I’m not sure about the "ignore synthesized mouse events” part: What would 
change from the app perspective, and how would we preserve compatibility?


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