On Thursday 25 Jun 2015 12:09:54 Knoll Lars wrote:
> On 25/06/15 11:43, "Teske Daniel" <daniel.te...@theqtcompany.com> wrote:
> >> * WEC7 not supported anymore, WEC2013 supported
> >
> >So what is the time frame for dropping WEC2013? Because that's the time
> >Qt 
> >will be stuck with MSVC2012.
> WEC2013 just came out. I’m afraid we’ll be stuck with it for some time.
Right, that's what I expected, I'm guessing the expectation is that it'll be 
supported for years. 

We need to prioritize moving towards modern C++. The C++ world is changing.We 
cannot be stuck on a compiler that has only a minimal set of C++11 features, 
if we want Qt to stay relevant.

So, I'm against making WEC2013 a supported platform.

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