Do you mean that if I declare this:

typedef QList<ParsedParameter> ParsedParameterList;

where ParsedParameter is:

    struct ParsedParameter {
        bool qPrivateSignal_;
        QString dataType_;
        QString name_;
        QString defaultValue_;
      ParsedParameter() : qPrivateSignal_(false) { }
    }; will create each list entry as a QList<ParsedParameter*> even though I 
told it not to do that?


From: <> on behalf of 
Giuseppe D'Angelo <>
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2015 12:05 PM
To: Smith Martin;
Subject: Re: [Development] HEADS UP: Don't use QList, use Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO

Il 10/07/2015 11:54, Smith Martin ha scritto:
> Then I don't see why it is so inherently inefficient. The QList entry is 
> allocated on the heap anyway. Doesn't QList<C> just allocate a bigger entry? 
> And if I don't have the C object stored anywhere else, it has to be 
> somewhere, so why not keep it in the QList entry?

Because for a "wrong" type C (*) QList will allocate an array of
pointers to C (not an array of Cs!), then proceed to allocate on the
heap every single C object you put in it (by new'ing them); the array
will then store the pointer to the allocated object.

In other words:

struct C {};
QList<C> list;
for (auto i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
        list << C{};

Calls operator new at least 101 times.

(*) not movable, or bigger than a void*. And user-defined types are not
movable by default (they're complex). And if we forget
Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO on public types, we can't add it back because it's
binary incompatible.

Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Software Engineer
KDAB (UK) Ltd., a KDAB Group company | Tel: UK +44-1625-809908
KDAB - The Qt Experts
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