On Tuesday 21 July 2015 10:06:52 Ansel Sermersheim wrote:
> We would like to announce our release of CopperSpice 1.1.0.  We have
> added and changed several things including a modification to to QMap to
> user defined comparisons. 

As opposed to qMapLessThanKey? Do you mean two QMap with the same key could 
have different comparators?

> Our view as well as the view from many other developers, is that the CLA
> gives the Qt Project the freedom to take any and all submissions and
> incorporate them into the closed source version. We feel this goes
> against the share and share alike principle of community based open
> source software.


It's intended instead to support the "virtuous cycle" that Trolltech talked 
about: the commercial version helps fund the development of the open source 
version. Shut down the commercial version and the well runs dry. We wouldn't 
be able to sustain the development pace we currently have.

All other attempts at funding exclusively through extra services have failed 
and have not produced nearly as much funds as the licensing business.

>  From the countless local developers in the Silicon Valley area we have
> communicated with, Qt is not typically viewed as a community project.
> There is nothing inherently wrong with this approach, it just did not
> fit our paradigm.

You have to qualify what you mean by "community project". As long as you do 
that, it should be no problem.

> We are speaking at CPPCon in September and our intent is simply to
> explain the CLA did not work for us. The main purpose of our
> presentation is to present CopperSpice and offer C++ developers an
> alternative GUI library.

That's fine. We just ask that you don't say "CLA means not a community 
project". There are quite a few people and companies that don't like CLAs (I 
work for one -- getting Intel to sign the Qt Project CLA took 8 months). Their 
existence is an understandable reason to not contribute to a project.

But please don't say we're not a community.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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