Harald — I filed a few bug tickets with example code for some of these issues, 
as noted below.

- Randy

> On Aug 9, 2015, at 11:35 PM, Harald Vistnes <harald.vist...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have played with the tech preview of Qt3D 2.0 and I have some questions and 
> wishes.
> 1. Transparency. It does not seem like Qt3D handles transparency at all. For 
> instance, phong.frag always returns alpha=1.0. I would expect materials like 
> Qt3D::QPhongMaterial to have an opacity parameter and that the renderer would 
> first render opaque meshes and then transparent meshes sorted by depth. 
> Ideally I would love to have support for OIT out of the box, but that may be 
> too specialized. Will there be any support for transparent materials in the 
> upcoming release?

This requires extra transparency-specific shader code and alpha blending logic, 
so that is presumably why it is not supported by default.  But hopefully the 
next release will include these kinds of transparency cases:


> 2. Shared vertex buffers. How can multiple meshes share the same vertex 
> buffer?
> 3. Updating vertex buffers. How can one update the vertices of an existing 
> mesh? Qt3D::QAbstractMesh only expose the meshFunctor() function, so I don't 
> see how to update an existing mesh with new vertex data.

there is an update() method on the abstract mesh, which sends a property update 
signal for the mesh functor or something like that.

> 4. Text. It would be nice with an example showing how to add text to a Qt3D 
> scene. Both 2D (specified in screen coordinates) and 3D (specified in world 
> coordinates). I'm only using C++, so that is what is of interest to me.


This is probably not super efficient but it does work: renders text to a QImage 
and uses that for a texture.  Using the transparent version of the texture you 
just get the 2D text floating in space.  Uses 3D coordinates, but renders text 
to a plane.

> 5. It would be nice to have a class like QTriangleMesh out of the box where 
> the user can specify his own vertices, normals, indices, etc. I implemented 
> such a class following the pattern of the Qt3D::QCylinderMesh implementation, 
> but ended up with a copy of the vertex/index arrays in both the 
> TriangleMeshPrivate and TriangleMeshFunctor class before they were actually 
> used in the Qt3D::QAbstractMeshFunctor::operator()(). Is there a better way 
> to handle this, to avoid all those copies of the data?

I wrote a TriangleStripSet class that has float vectors for vertices and 
normals, and for per-vertex colors, and an int vector for indexes — it was 
fairly straightforward but uses non-Qt dynamic vector classes so not directly 
sharable.  It also uses the primitive reset index technique so you can easily 
restart the triangle strips: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-47291

> 6. Polygon offset to handle z-fighting.
> 7. All examples in C++. In the tech preview, many of the examples were QML 
> only. 
> Thanks. I'm looking forward to see the progress in the next release!
> Best regards
> Harald Vistnes
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