On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 9:36 AM, Knoll Lars <lars.kn...@theqtcompany.com> wrote:
> New properties:
> QQuickFramebufferObject::mirrorVertically, looks ok
> QQuickPaintedItem::textureSize, not ok. It’s not versioned.
> New methods:
> * QQuickTextureFactory *textureFactoryForImage(const QImage &image), docs
> not ok IMO.

What's would you add to the docs?

> New classes:
> * QQuickImageResponse
> Isn’t this class missing some way to get the status of the response? It
> only has an errorString() method, but no simple way to query whether it
> was successful or not when finished() gets emitted.

The docu says that "An empty string means no error.".


> * QQuickAsyncImageProvider, looks ok.
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