On Montag, 18. Januar 2016 17:41:38 CET Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 03:48:54PM +0100, Andreas Hartmetz wrote:
> > Gerrit is somehow much more detail-oriented, and criticizing "too
> > subjective" stuff is frowned upon.
> anyone who complains about such aspects of a review clearly didn't
> quite get https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Contribution_Guidelines -
> "Our API Design Principles aim for perfection."
> it's also point 1.2 of https://wiki.qt.io/Commit_Policy

It is a mixed blessing that I didn't remember that :P
My impression is still that API is not taken as seriously as more 
technical issues in the typical review, by both reviewers and submitters 
of changes.

> > Now what?
> we actually already decided some months ago that TQtC sets up an api
> review task force at pre-release time.
> we've yet to see how that will work out in practice in the longer run.

Oh! That is nice. Was that announced somewhere? I've mentioned vague 
intentions to write the e-mail about API reviews to some coworkers who 
didn't seem to know about that, and I also didn't find anything in a 
quick search of the mailing list archive and the wiki now.
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