On 02/01/2016 03:10 PM, Marc Mutz wrote:
The point of giving names to things (variable, functions, classes) in
programming is so you don't need to look at the implementation all the time to
see what it's doing. You only need to look when you want to see _how_ it's
doing what it does.

So if you think that this is not a problem, then it's not a problem for you,
either, if local variables are named only a, b, c, ...

Depending on the context, yes. For instance, I have never written this:
for (int thisIsACounterThatIsUsedForIteration = 0; thisIsACounterThatIsUsedForIteration < arrayLen; ++thisIsACounterThatIsUsedForIteration) { ... }

Instead, I simply use the name "i". Inacceptable?

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