> We have finally packages for testing,
> Windows: http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qt/5.6/5.6.0-rc/335/
> Linux: http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qt/5.6/5.6.0-rc/331/
> Mac:http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qt/5.6/5.6.0-rc/271/
> src:<http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qt/5.6/5.6.0-rc/271/>http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qt/5.6/5.6.0-rc/latest_src
> Unfortunately these packages are from a bit old qt5.git integration
> (https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/147715/) so latest changes from
> '5.6.0' (https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/148570/) are missing from
> the packages, sorry about that!
> We are trying to release RC as soon as possible so it is really
> important to test these packages now to see if there is still something
> to be fixed before we can release the RC. Current RC blockers are here:
> https://bugreports.qt.io/issues/?filter=17225 .Please make sure all
> blocker are visible here (but remember, just a real blockers anymore!). 
> And please start creating changelogs for final release now if not
> already started.

seems that building statically linked qt is broken:


> name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' 
> publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*' processorArchitecture='*'" 
> /MANIFEST:embed /OUT:..\..\..\bin\canbusutil.exe 
> @C:\Users\developer\AppData\Local\Temp\canbusutil.exe.3388.3853.jom
> 16-Feb-2016 14:24:02  canbusutil_plugin_import.obj : error LNK2019: 
> unresolved external symbol "struct QStaticPlugin const __cdecl 
> qt_static_plugin_PeakCanBusPlugin(void)" 
> (?qt_static_plugin_PeakCanBusPlugin@@YA?BUQStaticPlugin@@XZ) referenced in 
> function "public: __cdecl 
> StaticPeakCanBusPluginPluginInstance::StaticPeakCanBusPluginPluginInstance(void)"
>  (??0StaticPeakCanBusPluginPluginInstance@@QEAA@XZ)
> 16-Feb-2016 14:24:02  canbusutil_plugin_import.obj : error LNK2019: 
> unresolved external symbol "struct QStaticPlugin const __cdecl 
> qt_static_plugin_TinyCanBusPlugin(void)" 
> (?qt_static_plugin_TinyCanBusPlugin@@YA?BUQStaticPlugin@@XZ) referenced in 
> function "public: __cdecl 
> StaticTinyCanBusPluginPluginInstance::StaticTinyCanBusPluginPluginInstance(void)"
>  (??0StaticTinyCanBusPluginPluginInstance@@QEAA@XZ)

>       Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
> 16-Feb-2016 13:38:21    "qt_static_plugin_PeakCanBusPlugin()", referenced 
> from:
> 16-Feb-2016 13:38:21        __GLOBAL__sub_I_canbusutil_plugin_import.cpp in 
> canbusutil_plugin_import.o
> 16-Feb-2016 13:38:21  ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
> 16-Feb-2016 13:38:21  clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 
> (use -v to see invocation)
> 16-Feb-2016 13:38:21  make[4]: *** [../../../bin/canbusutil] Error 1
> 16-Feb-2016 13:38:21  make[3]: *** [sub-canbusutil-make_first] Error 2
> 16-Feb-2016 13:38:21  make[2]: *** [sub-tools-make_first] Error 2

would be great if statically linked qt could somehow be compiled
regularly ... it breaks way too often :(


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