On 2016-04-26 08:08, Shawn Rutledge wrote:
> If the application does not handle high-frequency events (mouse 
> movements and window moves/resizes) quickly enough, some events will 
> be dropped.

Do you really mean dropped? Or do you mean merged? There is a HUGE

Please don't EVER simply discard input events (at least, not without
being specifically asked to do so); that is a form of data loss.

> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/157011 adds an application
> attribute, AA_CompressHighFrequencyEvents, which is true by default
> on X11, and you can unset it to disable the compression. The
> advantage of doing it this way is that you can control it
> dynamically: maybe you want to have compression only some of the
> time, depending on what the application is doing with the events. But
> it requires an exception to the source compatibility rule: if you
> have used that flag in your application, then you won’t be able to
> compile it with 5.6.0 anymore.

Since when does SC mean that code written for version Y must compile
against version X (X < Y)? Usually it's only the other way around... Or
do I not understand what would break, here? (Is the problem just that
code written against 5.6.1 would not compile with 5.7.0?)


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