
I want to implement a backend for SVS-Vistek Gigabit Ethernet cameras, but I 
see no way to set the camera's framerate.

There is the FrameRateRange, but I am not sure about its meaning:

Does setting a framerate range guarantee for each consecutive frame to arrive 
in a certain timespan?

Or does a supported framerate range mean that framerates in that range can be 

My intuition was the latter, but after not being able to find a hint how to set 
the framerate I am starting to believe it is the first meaning.

The SVS-Vistek API allows me to query framerate range and step as well as to 
set the framerate directly and I do not want to miss that ability.

I guess adding a custom control to set the framerate is an option for me, but 
before I do that I want to be sure that I did not miss anything.


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