> On 25 Jun 2016, at 15:15, Filippo Cucchetto <filippocucche...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> hi everyone,
> this is going to be a lengthy email so i'd like to thank those
> who will read it and maybe give me their opinions.
> The topic here is throwing some ideas for improving QtQuick event
> handling (both for mouse and keyboard).
> First let's take a look at some simple/silly keyboard examples that will
> make us introduce the main topic and some issue with the current way of 
> handling
> events.
> First example (here)[http://pastebin.com/jiGJimGS]. Here the user would like 
> to 
> count how many times the right key has been pressed. Try it and you will see 
> that
> the Keys.onPressed handler will be called twice when the caret is at the end
> of the TextField but it will work when the caret moves inside the text. I know
> that once the final user discover this, he can workaround it and fix the 
> counter but 
> this is not the point. The reason why the Keys.onPressed is called twice 
> is caused by the TextField implementation. In fact a TextField is a composed 
> Control
> made of a TextInput plus a Text. At the same time, the end user doesn't know 
> this and

We have mostly stopped working on QtQuick Controls 1, because the 
implementation of Controls 2 is much more performant, and we have to focus on 
that.  It was achieved by implementing behavior in C++, so each Control is 
composed of fewer objects.  You should be testing it for some time already.  
It’s already out of tech preview, fully supported in 5.7.  (Unfortunately the 
tech preview period was pretty short, from 5.6.0 to 5.7.0.)  So please see what 
kinds of issues you still have with that.

> he can only interact with the whole TextField (in theory he doesn't have to 
> know that
> the TextField contains a inner TextInput). For this reason the developer of 
> the TextField
> control added a Keys.forward[root] inside the inner TextInput toward the 
> parent TextField.
> This is correct in the current state of things because this allows the end 
> user to override
> the key handling of the the TextField. But why we see two events? This comes 
> by the fact that:
> 1 The right pressed event is delivered to the inner TextInput (because it has 
> activeFocus)
> 2 The event is forward to the TextField before being processed by the 
> TextInput (because of Keys.forward[])
> 3 The TextField calls the Keys.onPressed handler of the user (that simply 
> ignores the event)
> 4 The event is processed by the TextInput that ignores it (because the caret 
> is at the end)
> 5 The event bubble up to the TextField again and the Keys.onPressed event 
> handler will be called for the second time.
> This example shows us that the actual way of handling events doesn't play 
> well with item composition.
> Furthermore the event forwarding is very error prone given that without 
> attention is very easy to create
> loops or unexpected chain of calls (due to bubbling and forwarding).
> Obviously there could be several ways to solve this, for example
> 1) Find some way of disabling the call to the event handler (during bubbling) 
> since it has been called once
> 2) Find some way for making a complex object (made of sub controls) to be 
> seen as a unique entity for the sake
> of event handling
> 3) Let the user monitor the events before they reach a child.
> 4) <--- your ideas here
> Let's take a look to another example (here)[http://pastebin.com/9s36E6bm]. 
> Here the user would like to disable 
> the ComboBox event handling, for example because the ComboBox is inside a 
> ListView or TableView and he doesn't
> want to break the View event handling (up ad down keys). If you try it you 
> will see that it doesn't work. Even if
> the events are accepted they're still delivered to the ComboBox. This is due 
> (probably) by the fact the a Keys.forward[]
> directive is missing inside the ComboBox implementation. 
> Another broader example is allowing a ListView to handle mouse clicks and 
> events even if the delegate has a MouseArea on top.
> This letter case can be implemented by using the filterChildMouseEvents api.
> I've taken a look at what other frameworks do, in particular WPF (this 
> doesn't mean the design of WPF is better or clever).
> In WPF it seems there are three mechanism 
> 1) Event tunneling. The events first make a down path from the UI root node 
> to the target node
> 2) Event bubbling. The events are bubbled from the target node up to the UI 
> root node
> 3) Event flagged as handled (accepted) still make their way up (bubbling) 
> because some nodes could be interested in a event 
> even if it has been flagged (rare ma usefull).
> Point 1 it's basically a child monitor. Point 2 is what we already do. Point 
> 3 is usefull because at point 1 you know that
> an event is being delivered to a child but you don't know if it'll be 
> accepted or not. Point 3 can be used for this purpose.

OK, that’s an interesting idea.  I was thinking that there must be some good 
ideas from other frameworks, but am not sure which one has best-in-class 
handling of events, especially mouse and/or touch (more on that below), and 
don’t have time to learn them all.

> Just for fun i pushed two wip code reviews for event tunneling for keys 
> events: one in QtCore https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/163502/
> and one in QtDeclarative https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/163502/ 
> With this patch the example 1 and 2 can be written like this: 
> http://pastebin.com/t0ewNrxC and http://pastebin.com/LqvPZkZN
> Further informations about tunneling and wpf event handling can be found here 
> https://msdn.microsoft.com/it-it/library/ms742806(v=vs.110).aspx#how_event_processing_works
> My patches are just wips and if there's interest i can work further on them. 
> For example i would like
> to have some sort of Mouse attacched object, like Keys and implementing 
> bubbling even for handled events.
> Finally maybe we need some sort of QEP for writing long term ideas and 
> discuss them in public.

We are working on a new QPointerEvent and a set of pointer handler objects now. 
 My main goal is to unify the handling of mouse, touch and tablet events, and 
make it possible for a handler either to be device-agnostic (just handle a 
click or tap, don’t distinguish them) or to filter events based on devices, 
capabilities etc. (handle a touch-drag differently than a stylus-drag).  Those 
filters are specified declaratively.  The design for the handlers is between 
that of MouseArea and the Keys handler: it’s not an attached object, because I 
think you need to be able to have multiple handlers per Item; but it’s just an 
object, not an Item.  It is a delegate object for handling a particular kind of 
event within an Item.  And in the context of a single Item, all handlers have 
equal opportunity to handle every event.  This amounts to a loosening of the 
restriction that an Item must grab an event in order to get the updates: at 
least it’s only the Item grabbing, but multiple handlers inside can still get 
the updates.  So you can easily use a PinchHandler and a DragHandler and a 
TapHandler together, as siblings declared within one Item.  But I think we 
might still need to go further than that, because sometimes it’s unavoidable 
that you need events to bubble up through a stack of Items, and so far to do 
that you set filtersChildMouseEvents.  And child-filtering feels a bit too 
special, too out-of-band.  Or, you can write a QObject event filter, which also 
seems like dubious design to me, but the jury’s still out on whether we ought 
to consider that technique a fundamental part of event handling in Qt Quick.

We have discussed sometimes whether declared Handlers ought to be augmented 
with attached objects, so that handling the mouse or touchpoint could be a 
one-liner in some cases.  But attached objects are actually less lightweight in 
implementation (I wish that wasn’t the case, but it always has been); and if 
you can only attach one handler of a particular type to an Item, then some 
advanced cases would require imperative code like what you’d typically write in 
Keys.onPressed.  That kind of code is not declarative enough, IMO.  It’s 
mitigated somewhat by all the key-specific signals like onSpacePressed, 
onTabPressed etc.  But we don’t yet have signals for every possible key; and 
even if you can avoid writing a big switch in Keys.onPressed, you might still 
need to check the modifiers inside your onSpacePressed (or whatever) function.

We also came up with the idea of handling pointer events in phases: for each 
Handler which is visited, first ask if it wants the event, then ask it to 
process the event, then ask it to post-process the event (this last step is an 
opportunity to emit all signals at the same time and in the right order).  But 
so far we are going through those phases while visiting one handler - not 
visiting all of them to ask whether it wants it, and then visiting all of them 
again to process it.  I had the idea because I don’t like the ambiguity that 
QQuickItem::event() returns a bool, and there’s also the opportunity to accept 
or reject the event: it’s not sufficiently memorable which of those is the 
right way to prevent or allow propagation in a particular situation, and which 
takes precedence.  Every time I look at the code I have to figure that out 
again.  Whereas if the prefilter returns false, at the very least it means that 
it’s going to propagate this time, and maybe it should also mean that this 
handler does not see a need for a grab… or maybe not.  We have the opportunity 
to revisit the grabbing concept now.

I agree that we should try to bring key and pointer handling closer.  But I’m 
also less aware of what’s wrong with key handling, compared to pointer 
handling.  So it’s worthwhile to discuss, but my main focus right now is 
pointer handling, to get it done in time for a tech preview for 5.8 (that means 
there’s only a few weeks left before feature freeze).  Later we could try to 
apply what we learn to key handling, to the extent that it’s applicable.

Everyone is welcome to send me challenges: mouse and touch use cases that are 
tough to implement with the current Areas.  I know we have quite a few bugs 
about those cases already.  I’m not sure if we can come up with declarative 
syntax that makes every such case easy to express, but it’s a stretch goal.

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