On 10.11.2016 17:20, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

10.11.2016, 19:18, "Edward Welbourne" <edward.welbou...@qt.io>:
A review puzzled several of us today by (apparently) starting at patch
set 6. Jesus had discovered a gerrit feature we hadn't heard of:

FYI, it was around for ages, since 2.3 release

git-gpush has it since 2014


If you push to refs/drafts/blah instead of refs/for/blah, you
get a review on gerrit with much of the effect we normally achieve using
WIP but without the sanity-bot's complaint about WIP and without the
buttons that would allow staging. Folk can comment on it, they just
can't actually accept it yet. Later you can push to refs/for/blah as
usual and the review turns into a real review. Further pushes to
refs/drafts/blah will be added as later patch sets without spamming
those watching the review, while being visible to anyone actually
looking at it; and you can delete drafts from the history once all they
are is clutter. There's probably more fun I've yet to learn.

This seemed worth publicizing; so now you all know :-)


Sergio Ahumada

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