
Brief "update": dev is still blocked.

The build issue of https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-57935 appears to be 
due to the removal of macOS 10.9 support, while the CI still builds with 10.9.

We can't bring qt5.git up-to-date with a newer qtbase that includes the pcre 
fix, because the macOS 10.9 drop (a670f063909689dc6c03c9090fff25c6f531d2b2) 
landed right before the pcre fix.

A temporary reversal in https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/181578/ of the 
10.9 drop until the CI "supports" it was rejected.

So either

    (a) the temporary reversal gets approved instead of rejected. Then over the 
remaining weekend we could try to get a qt5.git update through with the pcre 
fix to unblock dev.


    (b) the CI removes 10.9 support and moves the features the 10.9 tests 
(namespace, etc.) over to another macOS build. Then we could get a qt5.git 
update through that includes the pcre fix.

Differently put, there are two things blocking Qt dev branch development 
outside of qtbase:

    (1) Propagation of the -qt-pcre fix from qtbase to qt5.git, or 
alternatively RHEL 7.2 temporary reversal in the CI.

    (2) Temporary reversal of the macOS 10.9 drop (that would allow (1) to 
proceed) or CI changes as mentioned in (b).


From: Development <development-bounces+simon.hausmann=qt...@qt-project.org> on 
behalf of Simon Hausmann <simon.hausm...@qt.io>
Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2017 8:50:52 PM
To: development
Subject: [Development] State of dev branch in CI


I wanted to give a quick update on the state of the dev branch in the CI:

Currently any changes to any module outside of qtbase targeting the dev branch 
will fail to pass the build stage in the CI.

Recently RHEL 7.2 was added to dev. When that was tested - back in fall last 
year - all was fine. Then some configure options of qtbase were changed 
(-qt-pcre became -qt-pcre2), which are only passed with RHEL 7.2 (longer story 
but basically because of our binary packages). Earlier this week the change in 
the CI to add RHEL 7.2 to dev was taken into production and immediately broke 
the build of all modules in dev because -qt-pcre was not a valid configure 
parameter anymore and without qtbase nothing else builds. As a consequence the 
CI changes were reverted.

Meanwhile the qtbase configure parameters were fixed and support for -qt-pcre 
was restored. Today the CI changes were taken in again and qtbase in the dev 
branch compiles on RHEL 7.2.

Unfortunately all other modules are built against qtbase from qt5.git, which 
doesn't understand -qt-pcre yet (wants pcre2). Therefore all modules other than 
qtbase are broken in dev.

An update of qt5.git with a newer qtbase is scheduled, but unfortunately it 
won't go through because of https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-57935 .

There are different options for solving this. One would be to revert the CI 
change. Another would be to fix the above bug and get the qt5 change through.

The right solution to prevent these types of situations in the future is to 
have these platform configs inside qt5.git, not in the CI. Unfortunately that 
is not a priority yet.

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