Op 07/03/2017 om 22:43 schreef Richard Moore:
>     You're right. My wording above was misleading, I wasn't present
>     myself. This is what I remembered people telling me afterwards.
>     Here are the session
>     notes: https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_build_systems_at_QtCon_2016
>     <https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_build_systems_at_QtCon_2016>
> ​Yep, there's also a video. My recollection is that there was a small
> vocal group of people pushing qbs, but that they couldn't demonstrate
> any actual advantages it had. They offered a few up, but it turned out
> that people had already done that using other tools such as cmake. ​I
> think the only conclusion was that qmake is weak and that the
> maintainers want to stop maintaining it.
The stopping maintainance of qmake can't happen any time soon I'd think.
Not even from Qt6. There are too many Qt projects out there depending on

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