15.04.2017, 01:23, "Shawn Rutledge" <shawn.rutle...@qt.io>:
>>  On 13 Apr 2017, at 14:02, Randall O'Reilly <randy.orei...@colorado.edu> 
>> wrote:
>>  With the recent language explosion, there are now languages to fit 
>> everyone’s biases and aesthetics.
> This explosion is possible because of common language backends and VMs like 
> the JVM, CLR or LLVM. (Hacking gcc to add a new language would’ve been much 
> harder.) So, hopefully that means that you don’t have to champion Go itself 
> as the language of the century and plan on rewriting all of Qt in Go, right? 
> As long as you can generate LLVM-IR somehow from your favorite language at 
> this juncture, you share a foundation with plenty of other languages, so 
> maybe modules written in one could interoperate with modules written in 
> another? Depends on the ABI though.
> The Rust guys make the point that it’s necessary to rewrite lots of old stuff 
> in Rust in order to have all the security that it can guarantee. But with Go, 
> is there such a mandate? To me so far, Go seems incrementally better but not 
> quite a revolution; fine to try for new projects but maybe not worth the 
> effort of rewriting old code. And of course I’ve been around the block before 
> with this idea that such-and-such needs to be rewritten in such-and-such 
> new-hotness language. The next rewrite ends up more bloated and slow than the 
> last… that seems to be the rule.
> One big obstacle I’ve been seeing for years is the shortage of C++ API for 
> the QtQuick scene graph, and the difficulty of separating the scene graph to 
> be independent of QML. If you want to have one language for your application 
> (which isn’t QML, Javascript or C++) then you need scene graph bindings to at 
> least be possible. And the usual reason we give is that we don’t have public 
> API so that we remain free to change it. But it’s still an obstacle for 
> making bindings. IMO we’ve got to get to the point where at least the private 
> APIs are complete enough and reasonable enough to use, so you could maintain 
> a scene graph binding for another language alongside Qt, and iterate along 
> with it. Or else rewrite the scene graph, but that seems like needless work, 
> doesn’t it? You can search GitHub and find plenty of scene graphs, but how 
> many of them can do internationalized antialiased text using an atlas (not 
> pre-rendering whole words or lines with freetype), and how many of them do 
> batching like Qt's?
> Next, why does Go not use LLVM by default? Why do QML and V4 not use it, for 
> that matter? I was hoping we’d do it that way, but we didn’t. I think it 
> would have saved some work, and gained some interoperability, and a lot of 
> tooling possibilities.

Concerning QML/V4: this is a good idea actually. If QML is changed to use AOT 
compilation as the only mode, it might work very well. 

>>  This also means that there is an endless potential for language wars, which 
>> I’m sure nobody wants to rehash on this list. My point is just that Go 
>> represents a particular set of choices that I think is very compatible with 
>> a certain (possibly large) segment of the Qt user-base — those who favor 
>> clarity, simplicity, readability, over e.g., extreme performance 
>> optimization or having every different kind of possible language feature at 
>> one’s disposal (aka “language bloat”). As C++ is seemingly in a constant 
>> state of reinvention lately, and is now massively bloated and unwieldy in 
>> some people’s estimation, it might be an opportune moment to consider a 
>> “reboot” — a fresh new framework unburdened by all that cruft. My sense is 
>> that Go has made some really excellent (and hard) choices that benefit from 
>> all the different language experiments and experience (and especially the 
>> limitations of C++), and that one major thing holding it back is lack of a 
>> decent GUI framework, so that Qt could really make a big difference there. 
>> Furthermore, Qt itself has a kind of bloat problem of its own, having 
>> evolved in major ways over the years (Widgets vs. QML, scenegraphs, and now 
>> 3D), so it could possibly benefit from a fresh start / reboot as well.
>>  Perhaps building from the ground-up on a core scenegraph framework that can 
>> support 2D *and* 3D,
> and usually it would be pointed out that a 3D engine is terrible overkill for 
> 2D UIs. But now we’re coming out with that third choice anyway, Qt 3D Studio. 
> So maybe we’ll get there after all, and find out whether or not a 3D scene 
> graph is practical for ordinary everyday UIs. Of course if there ends up 
> being a good reason to have a true 3D UI in most everyday ordinary 
> applications, then the 3D scene graph is not overkill I guess.
>>  with different back-end renderers (OpenGL ES etc), using e.g., SVG syntax 
>> to do the widget etc painting in a resolution-independent, style-based 
>> manner (no more high-dpi hassles — future proof resolution independence)..
> What I want in addition to purely scalable graphics is to do all the 
> rendering on the GPU: no more pre-chewing of all the vertices by the parent 
> CPU before feeding it to the little baby GPU cores. It would be worth 
> whatever upheaval is necessary to get there, IMO. And by the time we figure 
> out how, maybe we won’t have to worry about limited back ends like OpenGL ES 
> anymore.
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