On Mon, 8 Jan 2018 14:40:15 +0100
Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenha...@qt.io> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 02:39:57PM +0300, Orgad Shaneh wrote:
> >    Either extend the sanity bot, or create a new bot, which listens on
> >    gerrit's event stream.
> >    If the change's owner (or an approver?) posts a comment reading "Please
> >    retarget <branch>", run your script on the server side. You need some
> >    sanity test that ensures this branch exists etc...
> >   
> ... which he implemented, and it's deployed now.
> for simplicity, only the change owner may issue the command. for other
> cases, you still need to go through an admin. the same is advisable for
> batch requests, but do as you wish.
> the regex is 
> /^(?:gerrit-)?bot:\h*(?:please\h+)?move\h+(?:back\h+)?to\h+(?:branch\h+)?([\w.]*\w)\b/im
> which boils down to "bot: move to <branch>" at the start of any line of
> a gerrit cover message.

bot: move to wip/navigation

got the change moved to branch "wip"
Bug or my mistake?
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