Thanks for the update! Good luck and thanks for working on this :)


From: Tony Sarajärvi
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2018 3:44:49 PM
Subject: RE: CI going down for update


We have to do things the hard way, meaning copying over a lot of stuff instead 
of just converting stuff. No unexpected things have poped up during the hard 
way however, but the copy phase takes a lot of time. ETA (or nothing really 
arrives now… so EToC): in a few hours.


From: Tony Sarajärvi
Sent: perjantai 16. helmikuuta 2018 9.20
To: '' <>
Subject: CI going down for update


We’ll take the CI down for update for a short while. The web page won’t work at 
all during that time, since we’ll close the whole server.

Thanks for your patience.

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