Phil Bouchard (27 April 2018 15:36)
> - It’s always better to patent important algorithms

Those of us who believe in the freedom of ideas disagree.  It is better
to publish important algorithms, so that no-one else can patent them.

> - But outside North-America and Europe, companies do not care about
> copyrights and patents

Even in Europe and North America, companies will get away with what they
can.  However, if they're copying your code in a reverse-engineerable
language, reverse-engineering of their code will reveal the copying.

> - That’s why there are tools to protect your software from being reverse
> engineered such as:

I confess I have not looked at it.  I am profoundly sceptical of its
ability to be more than a speed-bump to the genuinely committed reverse
engineer, just like DRM on music and movies.  Copy-protection is pretty
much always futile, if you're putting a copy into the hands of the user,
no matter how much you obfuscate it.

> I would then suggest GC languages should be optional and not mandatory. At
> the present time, QML forces us to use JS.

I believe it is entirely possible to write purely declarative QML, which
makes no use of JS.  By judicious use of C++ classes below the bonnet,
you can get all the complexity of behaviour that JS would bring.
However, you'll almost certainly get to this state faster by first
prototyping in JS and then coding C++ classes to make the JS that leaves
you with redundant.

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