
Just to clarify. When the CI posts a message to Gerrit about a failure for 
example, it looks like this:

    Build log: <link to log file>

    Details: <link to integration overview>

Do I understand correctly that the first link, the link to the build log, will 
continue to work. However _ALL_

links to the integration overview in _all_ changes ever posted to Gerrit by 
Coin will stop working and only newly

posted links will be valid?

>From an archeological point of view I think that is a mistake.

For example at the beginning of this week had to look into why something was 
missing from the 5.11.2 release binaries. So I went to the release

tag in qt5.git and from there I got - via the Change-ID - to the Gerrit change 
that contained the last change to qt5 that constitues

the final release content. From there I was able to follow the "Details:" link 
to the CI integration that gave access to all the logs

used in the release for builds and tests. With help of that I was able to 
identify which builds were broken. That was possible because

the qt5 overview gave access to the sub-module build and test logs.

I understand that any _new_ qt5 builds would continue to have working links, 
but practically destroying the old ones looks like

a mistake to me.


From: Development <development-bounces+simon.hausmann=qt...@qt-project.org> on 
behalf of Aapo Keskimölö <aapo.keskim...@qt.io>
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2018 1:02:19 PM
To: development@qt-project.org
Subject: [Development] Coin production update: Import note for users of 

To all our Developers,

Coin production will be updated tomorrow during Sat Oct 20 10:00-16:00 EEST 
2018. See attached change log for related patches.

 - This update will contain changes in our CI storage meaning that we will need 
to rebuild all cached binaries. I will take the service offline while artifacts 
are being re-create and restore the service after most of them have been 
 - The integrations in testresults coin page will look somewhat strange after 
this change since we are moving to a new era of building products in Coin and 
we have decided to decouple platform related code from our Coin source code 
base and legacy support will not be provided. The log links posted in gerrit 
should continue working as before. If you REALLY need to have the integration 
workitems display fixed, please, reply to this email and I will reconsider 
providing legacy support. The commit resulting in this behavior is  

Have a great weekend,
Aapo Keskimölö
Development mailing list

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