On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 1:01 PM Lorn Potter <lorn.pot...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Those do not mean the same as 'empathy', which is the "ability to
> understand and share the feelings of another", or "put yourself in the
> other persons shoes"
> I think empathy is a fine word for this, there is nothing vague about it.

Okay, let me rephrase then. Is empathy required or needed? If it's neither
required nor needed, then I see no point in even mentioning it. It'd be one
of those pointless redundancies and empty platitudes people seem to be so
fond of these days. More to the point, is me feeling like crap, because
you're feeling under the blues improve your code, or your perception of the
community? I'd have hard time believing it. I'd much rather see people do
right (and you can codify that) by other people than to mess with
the psychobabble.
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