Good post, but:

>> * if you have a container and you want to do non-mutating iteration, use
>> for (const auto &c = container; const auto &element : c)

This is enough:

for (auto &element : std::as_const(container))

and for the rvalue reference case:

for (const auto &c = container; auto &element : c)


On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 10:47:56 +0100
Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development <> wrote:

> Il 29/10/18 12:43, Olivier Goffart ha scritto:
> > Deprecating means you will force user to port all their codebase away from 
> > it,
> > which is a huge work. If the rationale is just that they will save a couple 
> > of
> > atomic operations, i do not think it is worth it.
> >
> > Deprecating it only for non-shared container seems more logical, since we 
> > then
> > warn only when there is actually a problem.
> >
> > And for the Qt shared container case, using foreach is less typing, but also
> > less error prone. (do i have to use qAsConst? or make a copy? or even 
> > return a
> > const object which even lead to more problems)
> Not really, my main argument is teachability. I want to stop teaching foreach 
> to Qt users (which are also C++ users; why do we keep forgetting that there's 
> a C++ world out there that doesn't use Qt?), and tell them that
> * foreach is supposed to be used only on Qt containers, not STL / Boost ones
> * actually, only on _certain_ Qt containers,
> * but if you use it on a "wrong" container it still works, no warnings or 
> anything, just a tremendous price hit,
> * why? because it's unconditionally doing a copy, which is cheap only for the 
> certain containers in Qt,
> * and because of this copy it can't do mutating iteration, so you need to 
> learn ranged-based for *anyhow*,
> * but thanks to this copy it is perfectly safe to modify the original 
> container, because it's copied anyhow (and you can rely on it) (and 
> documentation was encouraging this) (and Qt's OWN SOURCE CODE had places that 
> relied on that) ---
> Well, no. :(
> I want to teach users:
> * if you have a container and you want to do mutating iteration, use
> for (auto &element : container)
> * if you have a container and you want to do non-mutating iteration, use
> for (const auto &c = container; const auto &element : c)
> And that's it; this is a pure C++ solution that works for any container (Qt, 
> STL, Boost, ...), does never take any copy (you're iterating on the 
> original), it is const-correct (can't accidentally modify the container 
> through the element in a non-mutating iteration, can't accidentally modify a 
> const container), never detaches a Qt container unless you need to anyhow 
> (mutating iteration), and in general it is not safe to modify the container's 
> structure from within the loop's body so don't do it.
> My 2 c,
> -- Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Senior Software Engineer
> KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
> Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
> KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

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