> -----Original Message-----
> From: Development <development-bounces+alexander.blasche=qt.io@qt-
> project.org> On Behalf Of André Pönitz

> A possible solution would be some automated state transition off "Need more
> info" once any comment had been added. At least that is a good first
> approximation that is more often right than wrong. And maybe "Need more
> info" should be used only when running into actual trouble when reproducing a
> bug, not as first line of defense for any bug. One could e.g. ask for more
> potentially useful but not exactly necessary info without setting "Need more
> info".

That's exactly what's going to happen. This was discussed and agreed upon on 
this mailing list a while ago. This round of closures was done in preparation 
of this change. I just wanted to bring the number of issues stuck in NMI down 
to the not-to-ancient ones and fix the surrounding documentation before I 
enable the automation later this week.

Time limits will be 2 wks for first reminder and after 2 more wks the bug will 
be closed. A comment from anybody but the assignee will trigger the automatic 
return of the task from NMI to "Reported".


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